Edison 2016

Randy, dLuxe, Slash, Bitflippr, Alpaidus, Bjoppen, Corpsicle and Vedder went to Edison this weekend. A strong iNSANE presence to say the least. The party was nice. It doesn’t have the same cozy feeling as the gothenburg demoparties have and there seems to be a lot more immature productions released here than anywhere else really. Which is fine if you are into that thing or drunk. I (vedder) spent most of the party finishing my intro for the oldschool demo compo. And with the help of Randy and dLuxe managed to hand it in, in a reasonable time after the deadline.… Continue reading

Vedder is back as organizer!

I (Vedder) want to say thanks to Slash who took over the organizational duties of iNSANE when I wanted to focus on other things. Now I am ready to take over as organizer again. Slash will go back to make music and take care of The Chiperia Project. Thanks Slash! /Vedder Continue reading