Amiga OCS Intro
Announcement for the SmashStash packdisk. 8th in the Revision Online 2021 Amiga Intro Compo
Code: Magnus Graphics: Premium, Corel Music: Vedder
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS Intro
The 12th and last of the 2020 resolution productions. WE MADE IT!!!!
Code and Music: Vedder Graphics: Premium, Bjoppen
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS Intro
The 11th 2020 resolution production after an idea from ex-insaner Notorious/Struts^Scoopex
Was originally meant to be released in October. But you know…
Code: Skurk Graphics: Duffe, Premium, Vedder Music: Vedder Ascii: Corel
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS Musicdisk
The 10th 2020 resolution production is a chiptune musicdisk.
Code: Skurk Graphics: Corel, Premium
Music: Jerry, Vedder, Juice, Kefka, Mygg, Slash, Triace, Wiklund
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS Intro
Ninth 2020 resolution production
Code: Skurk Music: Juice & Vedder Graphics: Corel, Premium
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS Demo
5th in the Oldschool Demo Competition at the very last Solskogen demoparty.
8th 2020 resolution production.
Code: Skurk Graphics: TmX, Jojo073, Corel Music: Mygg
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS Intro
Seventh 2020 resolution production. 1st in the Oldschool Demo Compo at Edison 2020.
Misstakenly named halftime as because we thought it was the sixth production.
Code: Skurk Music: Vedder Graphics: Premium, Bitflippr, Corel
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS Intro
Sixth 2020 resolution production
Code: Skurk Graphics: Premium, Bjoppen, Bitflippr, TmX Music: Vedder Ascii: Corel
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS Intro
Fifth 2020 resolution production
Code: Bonefish Graphics: Bjoppen Music: Alpa Ascii: Corel
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS intro
Fourth 2020 resolution production. Intruducing Juice’s replayer
Code: Skurk Music: Alpa & Vedder Graphics: TmX, Jojo073, Corel, Premium, Bjoppen Replayer: Juice
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS intro
Third 2020 resolution production
Code: Skurk Music: Triace & Vedder Graphics: Bjoppen & Corel
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS Demo
Second 2020 resolution production. 4th in the Amiga Demo Compo at Gerp 2020
Code: Skurk Graphics: MRK, Louie500, Corel, Premium, Randy, Jojo073 Music: Mygg (Vedder)
Pouet Link YouTube Link

3rd in the Gerp 2020 Wild Compo
Actor: Alpa Direction & Idea: Boogeyman Music: Mygg

Amiga OCS Demo
Coop with Five Finger Punch. 5th in the Amiga Demo Compo at Gerp 2020.
Code: Morbid/FFP Graphics: Corel Music: Alpa & dLx
Pouet_Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS intro
First production of 2020
Code: Skurk Music: Triace Logo: TmX Font: Corel
Pouet Link YouTube Link

C64 onefile demo
4th at Datastorm 2019
Code & Graphics: Randy Music: dLx
csdb Link Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga 64k 060 intro
1st at Datastorm 2019 together with Nature.
Code & Visuals: Malmix / Nature Music: Alpa & Vedder
Pouet Link YouTube Link

2nd at Edison 2019
Video: Boogeyman Music: Alpa
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Wild demo
Kex eller Kex, 1st at Gerp 2019
Alpa, Boogeman, Slash and Bjoppen
YouTube Link

Wild demo
Birthday greetings for Bjoppen, 2nd at Gerp 2019
Music: Alpa Graphics: Corel

Amiga OCS intro
Season greetings from all of us to all of you!
Code: Prospect Music: Juice Graphics: Premium, Corel, Vedder
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS demo
A 2 week production to get something into the democompo at Compusphere 2018. Second place in the Amiga/Atari demo compo.
Code: Skurk, Syntax, Magnus T Music: dLx, Corpsicle, Vedder Graphics: Premium, Jojo073, Corel
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS demo
Demo by Five Finger Punch with music by Mygg and graphics by Corel. First place in the Amiga/Atari demo compo at Compusphere 2018.
Code: Morbid/FFP Music: Mygg Graphics: Corel
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS intro
Compofiller coded from scratch at the party. Second in the combined intro compo at Compusphere 2018.
Code: Prospect Music: Mygg Font: Vedder
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS demo
This wild demo requires an external GM-compatible device connected to the serial port via MIDI and must be run on a Amiga 500. 2nd place in the True Wild compo at Datastorm 2018
Code, Tools & Design: Randy Music: Bigge Ascii: Corel
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS demo
A 3 day production that was finished at the party. 2nd place in the Amiga OCS compo at Datastorm 2018
Code: Skurk Music: ALPAidUS, Vedder Gfx: Premium, Corel
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga AGA Demo
The winning demo from the Amiga 1200 compo at Datastorm 2018. A 5 day production! Small but tasty.
Code: Origo Music: ALPAidUS
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Atari XL/XE Demo
Coop together with Desire. First Atari release for iNSANE. 4th in the oldschool demo compo at Nordlicht 2018.
Code: Axis, Heaven Music: Vedder, Triace Gfx: Jamon, Corel
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS demo
Released at Gerp 2018. 6th place in the Amiga demo competition
Code: Origo Music: Mygg Gfx: Randy, Corel
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS demo
The last intro/demo in the B2B series. Released at Datastorm Summer 2017. 2nd place in the Amiga demo competition
Code: Vedder, Skurk Music: Triace Gfx: Vedder, Premium, Randy
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS musicdisk
Partyprod musicdisk. 32 chiptunes composed by Slash. Every single one finished at the party. Released at Solskogen 2017. Ranked 2nd in the Oldschool demo competition.
Code: Skurk Music: Slash Gfx: Randy
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga AGA intro
A party prod coded entirely at Edison 2017. Ranked 2:nd in the Oldschool demo compo.
Code: Origo Music: Mygg Gfx: Randy
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS intro
Birthtro for Vedder on his 40th birthday!
Code: Magnus Music: Mygg Gfx: Malmix/Nature, Evarcha Ascii: Corel
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS demo
Oldschool demo released at Revision 2017.
Code: Magnus Music: Vedder Gfx: Premium, Evarcha (Wayne Ashworth) and Stellan Ascii: Corel
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS demo
Spelpappan & Friends presents Generation 500. Not an iNSANE release but made by some iNSANE people! Released at Revision 2017.
Code: Origo Music: pROPER dISCO, dLx, Firefox and Danko Gfx: Bitflippr, Prowler Ascii: Corel
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS intro
40k intro got 1st place in the 64k Amiga intro compo at Datastorm 2017.
Code: Origo Music: Mygg Gfx: Corel
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS
The official Amiga Revision Invitiation 2017. 6th place in the Amiga A500 Demo compo at Datastorm 2017. With Desire, Alcatraz etc.
Code: Tim, Bonefish Music: Mygg, Triace, Dascon, Virgil Gfx: Premium, Alien, Corel, Ozan, Oni
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS
A co-op with Five Finger Punch. 4th place in the Amiga A500 Demo compo at Datastorm 2017.
Code: Morbid/FFP Music: Mygg Gfx: Premium, Corel
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS
A special birthtro for our very own dLx!
Code: Skurk Music: Mygg Gfx: Premium
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS
Oldschool scroller demo released at Compusphere 2016. 2nd in the compo.
Code: Magnus Music: Vedder & Triace Gfx: Corel, Bitflippr and Premium
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS
Oldschool vector demo released at Compusphere 2016. 1st in the compo.
Code: Magnus Music: Mygg,Vedder & Triace Gfx: Corel, Bitflippr and Premium
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS
A tribute demo to Bonefish. Released at TRSAC 2016.
Code: Skurk Music: Vedder & Triace Gfx: Alien & Premium
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS
Small party prod co-op with The Electronic Knights released at Deadline 2016
Code: Bifat / TEK Music: Corpsicle Logo: Premium Font: Bjoppen
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS
Small 1,5 day production for the Amiga demo compo at Gerp 2016. Ended up at 3rd place.
Code: Skurk Music: Vedder Logo: Lunix/traktor
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS
Invitro for Gerp 2016. #5 in the Alternative demo compo at Evoke 2016.
Code: Bonefish Music: Mygg Gfx: Premium and also Alien and Malmix
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS
OCS demo released at Solskogen 2016. #5 in the oldschool demo compo.
Code: Skurk Music: Mygg and dLx Gfx: Corel and Bitflippr
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS
A birthday intro for Randy! Happy Birthday old chap!
Code: Bonefish Music & Art Direction: ALPAidUS Gfx: Corel
Pouet Link YouTube Link

A birthday intro for Triace who turned 40 years old!
Code, Gfx: Randy Music: Slash
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS
The fifth intro in the series. Ended up at 4th place in the Oldschool demo compo at Edison 2016.
Code: Vedder Gfx: Randy Font: Vedder Music: dLuxe
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS
A birthday intro for one of our heroes, VIRGILL!
Code: Skurk Logo: Randy Font: Bjoppen Music: Slash, Vedder, Triace
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS
Meetro from the annual Stockholm spring meeting at Vedders house.
Code: Vedder Music: Alpaidus Font: Bjoppen Logo: Duffe
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS
A birthday intro for the incredible pixelartist MRK.
Code: Bonefish Gfx: Premium Music: Slash, Wiklund, Vedder, Juice
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS
The 4th B2B intro from Vedder. Released in the amiga intro compo at Revision 2016. Ended up at 6th place.
Code: Vedder iNSANE Logo: Bitflippr Revision Logo: Premium Music: Corpsicle
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS
A birthday intro for the awesome Bitflippr who turned 40.
Code: Vedder Music:Wiklund Gfx: Corel
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS
A birthday intro for Slash who turned 42! He deserved it!
Code: Bonefish Music: Alpaidus Gfx: Corel Logo: Louie
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS
A birthday intro for Mygg who turned 40. Just because we love him!
Code: Vedder Music: Slash Gfx: Corel
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS
The third installment in Vedder’s Back To Basics series. Ended up at place number 3 at GAG 2015
Code: Vedder Logo and Font: Bitflippr Music: Slash
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS
Intro created to showcase the awesome logo by MRK. 4th at GAG 2015
Code: Vedder Music: Mygg Logo: MRK Font: Corel
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS
The second intro by Vedder. 8th in the Amiga demo competition at Gerp 2015
Code, Font and Design: Vedder Music: Vedder Logo: Randy
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Amiga OCS
The first intro ever by Vedder. 6th in the democompetition at Edison 2015
Code, Font and Design: Vedder Music: Mygg Logo: TmX
Pouet Link YouTube Link

Thank you intro released in the Mixed demo competition at Edison 2015. Rank #8
Code and Gfx: Randy Music: Slash
CSDB Link Pouet Link

Meeting report from iNSANE meeting #10
Code and Design: Randy Music: Vedder

Font editor with png and asm export.
Code and Design: Origo Design: Randy
http://insane.amigascene.se/fontomatic/index.html (broken link)

Placed 2nd in the oldschool demo competition at Compusphere 2014
Code: Prospect, Music: Mygg, Gfx: Corel
File unavailable

Amiga OCS (iNSANE), Megadrive (Titan), HTML (Up Rough)
Placed 1st in the Wild competition at Compusphere 2014
Pouet Link View on YouTube (live)
View on YouTube (Amiga Version)

Placed 3rd in the oldschool intro competition at Compusphere 2014
Code and Gfx: Randy, Music: dLx

Code and Gfx: Randy, Music: Slash


Compusphere 2014 invitation intro released at Gerp 2014
Code: Origo, Gfx/Design: Randy & Bitflippr, Music: Gemini
Pouet Link View on YouTube

Compusphere 2014 invitation intro released at Gerp 2014
Code and Gfx: Randy, Music: Vedder
CSDB Link View on YouTube

Code and Gfx: Randy, Music: dLx
View on YouTube

AGA 030/50
Second place Amiga demo compo at Solskogen 2014
Code: Origo & Prospect, Gfx: Randy, Corel & Bitflippr, Music: Mygg & Gemini
Pouet Link View on YouTube

Code: Origo, Gfx: Randy, Music: Gemini
Pouet Link

Code: Randy, Gfx: Louie, & Notorious, Music: Vedder

OCS Intro
Code: Origo, Gfx: Randy, Bitflippr & Notorious, Music: Notorious
Pouet Link View on YouTube

OCS Intro
Code: Origo, Gfx: Randy, Font: Vedder, Music: Vedder
Pouet Link View on YouTube

AGA Intro
Coder: Raylight/Powerline Logo: Louie, Design: Vedder, Music: Vedder
Pouet Link

Code: Origo, Gfx: Randy, Font:Vedder, Music: Slash
Pouet Link

First place OCS Amiga demo at Datastorm 2014
Code: Origo & Prospect, Gfx: Bitflippr, Randy & Duffe, Vedder Music: Mygg & Vedder
Pouet Link View on YouTube

OCS/ECS/AGA 40k Intro
3rd place at Datastorm 2014
Code: Origo, Logos: Mygg, Music: Mygg, Font: Vedder
Pouet Link View on YouTube

AGA Intro
Released at The Party 5
Code: Blaze, Gfx: Louie, Music: Vedder
Pouet Link View on YouTube

AGA Intro
1st place at The Party Remedy 95
Code: Blaze, Gfx: Louie, Music: Jozef
Pouet Link View On YouTube

AGA Demo
3rd at Abduction 1995
Code: Deetsay, Music: Carebear
Pouet Link

AGA Intro
Released at Virtual Conspiracy 1995
Code: Metal, Gfx: Louie, Font: Metal, Music: Senile
Pouet Link

AGA 40k Intro
9th at Assembly 94
Code: Generator & Deetsay, Gfx: Deetsay, Music: Deetsay
Pouet Link View on YouTube

AGA 40k Intro
20th at Assembly 94
Code: Armour, Gfx: Armour & Major-D, Music: Deetsay
Pouet Link

AGA Demo
7th at Assembly 94
Code: Metal, Gfx: Morris & Louie, Font: Color/Phenomena, Music: Senile & Vedder
Pouet Link View on YouTube

Code: Generator, Gfx: Morris & Deetsay, Music: ?
Pouet Link
View on YouTube

10th at The Party 3
Code: Metal, Gfx: Louie, Music: Firefox & Vedder
Pouet Link View on YouTube

AGA Demo
12th at The Party 3
Code: Mad & Metal, Gfx: Morris, Music: Notorious
Pouet Link View on YouTube

OCS/ECS Musicdisk
Code: Scumbag, Gfx: Louie
Music: Vedder, Jozef, Senile, Raiden, Firefox
Pouet Link Kestra Bitworld Link

6th at ECC 93
Code: Mad, Gfx: Morris, Music: Jozef
Pouet Link

7th at ECC 93
Code: Metal
Demo is missing. If you have it please get in touch! (vedder@demoscene.se)

OCS/ECS Dentro
Code: Metal, Gfx: Color/Phenomena & Morris, Music: Jozef
Pouet Link
View on YouTube